Ginger Snaps Wiki

Werewolves, also known as Lycanthropes, are the main antagonists of the Ginger Snaps series. They are formerly humans who have been muted by the lycanthropy virus, causing them to transform into a vicious creatures with wolf-like attributes.


Once undergoing transformation, a werewolf retain little qualities of the human self. They behave aggressively and do not appear to acknowledge humans they may know. It is unknown whether the werewolf still retains the memories or the consciousness of the turned human. The transformation is permanent once completed, rendering werewolves unable to return to human form.

Unlike in various media, werewolves are not vulnerable to silver, instead being as susceptible to injury and fatal wounds as any living creature. Examples of this include the Beast of Bailey Downs, which was killed after being hit by a van, while Ginger Fitzgerald was killed with a knife.


The process of transforming into a werewolf is referred to as lycanthropy or werewolfery.

Notable werewolves in the trilogy[]


Werewolf from Ginger Snaps

Werewolf (GS2)
Werewolves (GS3)
